Happy New Year to All!
I believe we survived Xmas and New Years but not quite sure yet. A few casualties!
Sunday the 21st, we had a traditional xmas brunch with mom at Peking's chinese buffet (ok, so it's not so traditional- maybe in China!) before she got on the big plane and flew to Gail's. We were all stuffed with our favorite dishes and everything would have been perfect if I didn't get a fortune cookie that said "If only you had practiced!".
The Lehoczky's arrived Monday night and we continued our traditional pre-Xmas eating trend- mexican at La Fiesta. Eating at this place truely brought us closer together because they always seat 11 of us at a table suitable for 8. We were one tight-knit family. Hopefully it will be the last time I share a salsa bowl with Max while sitting on his lap (& vice versa) Oh well, it was fun. I am certainly glad that Alice and Mary didn't order the 32oz margaritas again this time.....
Wednesday we did the traditional (are you seeing a trend here?) decorating of the Xmas cookies. Molly, Lucy and Alice did the baking and everyone did their Picasso best design work. Needless to say some of the cookies were very abstract in nature. Alice was doing her best to promote the heavy use of red hots but there were very few takers. We went to Xmas service Wed night and Molly was one of the wisepersons (wise men in non-PC verbage) complete with beard and all. Needless to say we had to remind the boys (w/ heavy threats) to watch what they said to her regarding her whiskers.
Xmas morning was a little more relaxed than in the past because we have 3 teenagers who prefer to sleep in more than opening presents. NOT.. Actually Sam & Max did have to wait around for sleeping beauty to open her eyes despite Max's constant lobbying to wake her up, throw a cat in her room, etc. Everyone came over for Xmas dinner, which was very good followed by opening presents, a late afternoon walk for some/nap for others and eventually dessert (about dinner time). There was a heated apples-to-apples game which followed and Baboc is still trying to figure out what criteria Max used to make his selections. (Hint Baboc, there is no criteria!) I think everyone slept well Xmas night.
Friday we gathered at the Meadowlark video center to all watch Mama Mia, which Mary had received for Xmas. The kids all took the backrow lounge chairs and tolerated the movie and Aunt Alice singing and trying to dance along with the movie. Following lunch the kids all headed to Molly's gym. They had given her a key so she could work out over the weekend when they were closed so they had the whole place to themselves.
Saturday we let the dust settle some- did some work etc then ran up to Topeka to quickly spend some Xmas money. (It burns hotter in some pockets more than others!)
Sunday Kent, Lynn and Diana brought mom home from her flight into KC and we all had some tortilla soup and visited. Monday they went to go see the JCHS Band's final practice before they left for the Cotton Bowl parade and game. We all went out to eat Monday night.
Tuesday, Sam and Molly left the house at 4:30AM to head down and load up the buses headed for Dallas. They stopped in Oklahoma City at the Murrah Bldg Memorial and performed a concert there during noon hour then headed south. They had a boatload of activities including the band competition (they won!), the parade, & the game's half time show as well as a NYE party at South Fork, a trip to a video amusement place, a Renaissance eating place, etc. Needless to say that when they arrived home Sunday at 1:45AM, they were tired.
Likewise, Alice Max and I loaded up the van and headed west to Colorado Tuesday to ski a couple of days & bring in the new year. The young folks down our hall, we determined, did enough partying for all of us NY Eve. NY Eve day was sunny & warm & the snow was good & it was a little cooler and cloudy on Thursday but fun & good exercise none-the less. Max tolerated being an only child for once.
So this weekend has been pretty much been a "collapse" weekend. At dinner time Saturday 2 of the 3 kids were still in their pajamas. We did manage to get the tree and interior xmas decorations down Sunday and will wait for a warmer day to arrive to tackle the outdoor ones.
More later
I believe we survived Xmas and New Years but not quite sure yet. A few casualties!
Sunday the 21st, we had a traditional xmas brunch with mom at Peking's chinese buffet (ok, so it's not so traditional- maybe in China!) before she got on the big plane and flew to Gail's. We were all stuffed with our favorite dishes and everything would have been perfect if I didn't get a fortune cookie that said "If only you had practiced!".
The Lehoczky's arrived Monday night and we continued our traditional pre-Xmas eating trend- mexican at La Fiesta. Eating at this place truely brought us closer together because they always seat 11 of us at a table suitable for 8. We were one tight-knit family. Hopefully it will be the last time I share a salsa bowl with Max while sitting on his lap (& vice versa) Oh well, it was fun. I am certainly glad that Alice and Mary didn't order the 32oz margaritas again this time.....
Wednesday we did the traditional (are you seeing a trend here?) decorating of the Xmas cookies. Molly, Lucy and Alice did the baking and everyone did their Picasso best design work. Needless to say some of the cookies were very abstract in nature. Alice was doing her best to promote the heavy use of red hots but there were very few takers. We went to Xmas service Wed night and Molly was one of the wisepersons (wise men in non-PC verbage) complete with beard and all. Needless to say we had to remind the boys (w/ heavy threats) to watch what they said to her regarding her whiskers.
Xmas morning was a little more relaxed than in the past because we have 3 teenagers who prefer to sleep in more than opening presents. NOT.. Actually Sam & Max did have to wait around for sleeping beauty to open her eyes despite Max's constant lobbying to wake her up, throw a cat in her room, etc. Everyone came over for Xmas dinner, which was very good followed by opening presents, a late afternoon walk for some/nap for others and eventually dessert (about dinner time). There was a heated apples-to-apples game which followed and Baboc is still trying to figure out what criteria Max used to make his selections. (Hint Baboc, there is no criteria!) I think everyone slept well Xmas night.
Friday we gathered at the Meadowlark video center to all watch Mama Mia, which Mary had received for Xmas. The kids all took the backrow lounge chairs and tolerated the movie and Aunt Alice singing and trying to dance along with the movie. Following lunch the kids all headed to Molly's gym. They had given her a key so she could work out over the weekend when they were closed so they had the whole place to themselves.
Saturday we let the dust settle some- did some work etc then ran up to Topeka to quickly spend some Xmas money. (It burns hotter in some pockets more than others!)
Sunday Kent, Lynn and Diana brought mom home from her flight into KC and we all had some tortilla soup and visited. Monday they went to go see the JCHS Band's final practice before they left for the Cotton Bowl parade and game. We all went out to eat Monday night.
Tuesday, Sam and Molly left the house at 4:30AM to head down and load up the buses headed for Dallas. They stopped in Oklahoma City at the Murrah Bldg Memorial and performed a concert there during noon hour then headed south. They had a boatload of activities including the band competition (they won!), the parade, & the game's half time show as well as a NYE party at South Fork, a trip to a video amusement place, a Renaissance eating place, etc. Needless to say that when they arrived home Sunday at 1:45AM, they were tired.
Likewise, Alice Max and I loaded up the van and headed west to Colorado Tuesday to ski a couple of days & bring in the new year. The young folks down our hall, we determined, did enough partying for all of us NY Eve. NY Eve day was sunny & warm & the snow was good & it was a little cooler and cloudy on Thursday but fun & good exercise none-the less. Max tolerated being an only child for once.
So this weekend has been pretty much been a "collapse" weekend. At dinner time Saturday 2 of the 3 kids were still in their pajamas. We did manage to get the tree and interior xmas decorations down Sunday and will wait for a warmer day to arrive to tackle the outdoor ones.
More later
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